Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Big Green Rabbit's new website...

Big Green Rabbit launched their new website. The Episode of the week has Jacob in it! Also, if you check out the "tv show" section you might find that it is on a PBS station near you!!!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jacob the gymnast

Jacob has been taking gymnastics at school. Apparently they learnd the forward roll because he has been doing it all over the house. I am not sure they have done anything else. He is now a gymnast and a dancer. Here is a video that demostrates his talent!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trip to Oregon

So my mother pointed out that most of Nancy and John's rehearsal dinner photos were actually of Jacob, so these are kid free pictures. Theses are the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I have some of Alberto and me at the beach and in Portland that I will post later. But I thought I would start with Britt's rehearsal!